
Sunday 14 September 2014


Hillary Clinton Returns To Iowa.

INDIANOLA, Iowa (AP) — With speculation on a White House run in overdrive, Hillary Rodham Clinton returned to Iowa Sunday to pay tribute to the state's retiring Democratic senator as anticipation builds over the possibility of another presidential campaign.
Clinton and her husband, former President Bill Clinton, were to headline Sen. Tom Harkin's annual steak fry fundraiser in rural Indianola. Sunday's event was expected to draw more than 5,000 party activists who form the backbone of Iowa's presidential campaigns every four years.
Following a summer time book tour, Clinton was making her biggest campaign splash in 2014 so far, opening a fall of fundraising and campaigning for Democrats who are trying to maintain a Senate majority during President Barack Obama's final two years. The event was serving as a farewell for Harkin, a liberal stalwart and former presidential candidate who is retiring after four decades in Congress.See More
note:this is original post link herehttp://tinyurl.com/http-rdft-com

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