
Tuesday 2 September 2014

Breaking News Steven Sotloff, American Journalist, Allegedly Beheaded By ISIS

Breaking News Steven Sotloff, American Journalist, Allegedly Beheaded By ISIS.                                                                                    
In the video, which lasts for just under three minutes, ISIS appears to murder Sotloff and threatens the life of David Haines, a British citizen. The Washington Post said Haines is an aid worker who was kidnapped in March 2013.

The video is almost identical in its tone and contents to the one which showed the beheading of James Foley, another American journalist, two weeks ago. In that video, militants threatened to murder Sotloff next if the US bombing of ISIS targets continued.
ISIS is believed to be holding several more journalists in captivity, most of them local Syrian reporters.
Sotloff, 31, was kidnapped in 2013 while reporting on the bloody civil war in Syria. He had been a freelancer for outlets such as Time magazine and Foreign Policy.
Last week, his mother, Shirley, recorded a video intended for ISIS. She pleaded with the group to be "merciful" towards her son.See More
note: this is original post link here

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