
Sunday 24 August 2014

Sunday Roundup lot

Sunday Roundup lot.

This week has dominated by news from Ferguson but more of what was really raghurajcashcode.com happening went untold by the media. While TV viewers were mostly presented with endless images of tear gas, violence and division, a fuller description would have revealed a community challenged by adversity, under representation and institutional failure that responded with remarkable empathy, kindness and trust. At HuffPost, in addition to covering the protests, the failure of those sworn to serve the citizens of Ferguson, and the entrenched role of race, we also tried to shine a light on how the communities came together -- cleaning up, handing out food, and raising money. There was a lot more love than looting in Ferguson, more compassion than conflict. How the media covers a crisis matters -- and showing only one side breeds cynicism about what we can become. The brave citizens of Ferguson have risen to the occasion. I hope the media will join them.Note:-this is original post link heresee more

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